The Life and Projects of An Avid Hobbyist

Friday, March 6, 2009

Glad I Have Joy

On March 4th (3/4) I turned thirty-four years old.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I claim and celebrate the entire the month. I love everything about my birthday. The month reminds me of the love my parents give and the sacrifices they made for me. Birthday parties throughout the years some of which were wild times.

My mother often tells the story of my birth (especially on my birthday). How it was nothing like my older brother's, how they had to fully sedate her and nearly (accidentally) smothered her with oxygen (she laughs about it now). It reminds me of the good times and the troubling times I've had throughout my life.

When talking to an old friend about my many birthday festivities she said "I'm glad you have joy". It made me stop and realize all of the reasons I have to smile, all of the support I get from people who truly love truly, truly blessed I am.

I too am glad I have joy. ~ksp


CrazyFiberLady said...

A very very happy birthday month to you!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! Keep on celebrating!

Ina said...

Happy Birthday! May your month be full of joy!

Kyra said...

Hey Sistah - Happy B-day to you!