And now Oscar and I have more in common than you would have thought. I too love trash (of the food variety). I must say that I have become most obsessed with my compost heap. I first thought of composting when Jessica included information about the vermicompost that lives in her basement. Since that sparkle, I have become quite intrigued. I collect neighbors lawn clippings and brown leaves. I get excited when it's time to clean out the "past-its-prime" veggies from the fridge. I get sawdust from the neighborhood lumber yard and manure from the horse stables.
I have enlisted the help of my trusted mentee, Damien, and together we check temperature and moisture content, examine the species of bugs, and quantity of worms. We mix and water and mix some more. The temperature has yet to break 95 degrees and I am finding that frustrating. Not that I have a problem with the worms doing most of the work, I am just trying to attract beloved micro-organism which exponentially speed up the process.
This was the pile this weekend with fresh grass clippings on top. Browns and water will be added to it later today and it will be turned...hopefully we can get above 100 degrees...oy! the pressure...
Damien won't admit it publicly, but I think he likes composting. He calls me regularly to inquire as to the current temperature and to see what items my father has added to the post (he thinks my dad tinkers with it when no one is looking)...a little paranoid he is...
Any other composters out there with pointers?
I don't currently compost, but I used to be an avid composter. Sounds like you are doing everything a devoted composter should. Oh the thrill when you got to turn the pile and a big cloud of warm steam erupts from the center of the pile. Good times!
Wow, you're working hard! Coffee grounds are excellent compost fodder, too.
To raise the temperature in your pile, throw in several handsful of soil to introduce micro-organisms or sprinkle with purchased compost starter, then keep the pile well-watered. A sprinkle of gardening lime helps keep the pH correct and things sweet-smelling.
Composting is one of my goals. I just got back from Victoria, B.C., where the city gives you a compost bin to encourage composting. It certainly cuts back on waste. I don't know the first thing about it. Any pointers? Does is stink?
My outdoor compost is not in a bin. When winter arrives I will switch to an indoor bin. The compost doesn't stink at all, unless you count the smell of dirt. ~ksp
Your father is tampering with my work. Just look at all the grass clippings on top.
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